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Dementia Factsheets

*Click on each image to view and download the PDF.​


The team at I-CAARE has been developing culturally safe factsheets with Indigenous people living with memory loss and their caregivers since 2014, based on a need identified in an earlier project, Perceptions of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias among Aboriginal people in Ontario. Click here for more information on this earlier work. We have also produced a methodology report to explain how we did this. 


Learn more about the development of these factsheets, and keep your eyes open for future articles in this area.


These factsheets were originally designed with a broad audience in mind - from coast to coast to coast in Canada, and we recognize that individual communities and nations may have unique perspectives and needs surrounding dementia factsheets. If you have questions, or want to explore adaptations to the factsheets to suit your community's needs, please contact us. 


Please note that each factsheet has a blank space for you to add your own local organization's contact information. All factsheets also have pages in multiples of four, so that they can be printed both on regular printer paper or as booklets.The Path of Dementia prints best on 11" x 17" paper or larger.​​


If you would like to cite our factsheets, please follow the format used below. Thank you.


ICARE Fact Sheets: 

  1. These fact sheets are free to download, copy and distribute. We encourage organizations to print their program contact information on the back of the factsheets to assist clients who would like to reach out for help. 

  2. If you would like to modify the content of fact sheets to better represent your region we ask that you do this with the permission and help of the original authors who can be contacted here:  Dr. Kristen Jacklin at

  3. The factsheets are intended to be freely available to those who need them. Copies can be requested from the authors at cost. Under no circumstance can any entity charge for the factsheets or place them behind any type of paywall or restricted access.  

  4. Our suggested citation for the fact sheets are:


Jacklin K, Warry W, Blind M, Webkamigad S, Jones L. (2017) [Insert Title of Fact Sheet] Retrieved from:



We would like to acknowledge the many individuals and groups who assisted with the production of these resources. Research and administrative support were provided by staff members from the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research, Jody Tverdal and Katelynn Viau. Elder Jerry Otowadjiwan provided guidance on the development and refinement of the resources. The factsheets were further reviewed by the CCNA Team 20 Community Advisory Group and the Anishinaabe Expert Language Speakers Group, both from the Manitoulin region in Ontario, as well as First Nations Inuit Health Home and Community Care partners across Canada. The North East Behavioural Supports Ontario Medical Advisory Committee verified medical accuracy included in the factsheets. Most importantly, these resources would not exist without the 168 participants from the Perceptions of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Among Indigenous People in Ontario project.



Funding was provided by Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Home and Community Care, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research via the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA.)


Kristen Jacklin, Ph.D.

Professor, Medical Anthropology

Department of Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health 

Director, Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team - Health Equity

University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth

624 E 1st Street, Unit 201

Duluth MN 55805

The Indigenous Cognition & Aging Awareness Research Exchange (I-CAARE) is jointly managed by Dr. Jennifer Walker, McMaster University and Dr. Kristen Jacklin, University of Minnesota Medical School.

©  2023 ICARE

Owned by Dr. Kristen Jacklin

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