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The team at I-CAARE has been developing culturally safe practice tools in partnership with North East Behavioural Supports Ontario. To learn more about the development of these practice tools, explore Guidelines to PIECES of my Relationships and A Quick Guide to... Approach. 


Please note that the tools will be piloted at a later date and may be updated based on those results. If you have questions, or wish to inquire about training opportunities, please contact us





As always, we hold a deep appreciation and regard for the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging Team 20 Community Advisory Council, in particular expert Anishinaabemwin speakers, for guiding this work and sharing so much with us. The research team would like to highlight the incredibly generous contributions of the focus group participants who shaped these practice tools. This work was also made possible by many support staff, in particular Jody Tverdal and Rhonda Trudeau, who provided administrative and logistical support, and Robyn Rowe, whose design vision contributed to the look and feel of A Quick Guide to... Approach. Chi-Miigwetch!


If you would like to cite these practice tools, please follow the format used below. Thank you.


Kristen Jacklin, Karen Pitawanakwat, Melissa Blind, Louise Jones, Jerry Otowadjiwan, Robyn Rowe, Emily Piraino, Roxanne Makela, Bob Spicer, Monica Bretzlaff. “Guidelines to P.I.E.C.E.S. of my Relationships” Indigenous Cognition & Aging Awareness Research Exchange and North East Behavioural Supports Ontario. Retrieved from: 


Kristen Jacklin, Karen Pitawanakwat, Melissa Blind, Louise Jones, Jerry Otowadjiwan, Emily Piraino, Roxanne Makela, Bob Spicer, Monica Bretzlaff. “P.I.E.C.E.S. of my Relationships” Indigenous Cognition & Aging Awareness Research Exchange and North East Behavioural Supports Ontario. Retrieved from: 


Kristen Jacklin, Karen Pitawanakwat, Melissa Blind, Louise Jones, Jerry Otowadjiwan, Emily Piraino, Roxanne Makela, Bob Spicer, Monica Bretzlaff. “P.I.E.C.E.S. of my Relationships Family Supplement” Indigenous Cognition & Aging Awareness Research Exchange and North East Behavioural Supports Ontario. Retrieved from:  


Kristen Jacklin, Karen Pitawanakwat, Melissa Blind, Louise Jones, Jerry Otowadjiwan, Emily Piraino, Roxanne Makela, Bob Spicer, Monica Bretzlaff. “A Quick Guide to... Approach” Indigenous Cognition & Aging Awareness Research Exchange and North East Behavioural Supports Ontario. Retrieved from:   



We want to hear from you! 

If you have used or explored the practice tools on this page, please take the time to share your thoughts with us here: Coming Soon


Kristen Jacklin, Ph.D.

Professor, Medical Anthropology

Department of Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health 

Director, Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team - Health Equity

University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth

624 E 1st Street, Unit 201

Duluth MN 55805

The Indigenous Cognition & Aging Awareness Research Exchange (I-CAARE) is jointly managed by Dr. Jennifer Walker, McMaster University and Dr. Kristen Jacklin, University of Minnesota Medical School.

©  2023 ICARE

Owned by Dr. Kristen Jacklin

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